
19 October 2023 - Industry News

The Brazilian legal firm Montgomery and ENV Media have announced their intention to collaborate

The Brazilian legal firm Montgomery and ENV Media have announced their intention to collaborate

ENV will receive assistance from the law firm in navigating Brazil's complex regulatory framework for online gambling. ENV Media, which is involved in lead generation and performance marketing within the iGaming business, has announced a relationship with the Brazilian law firm Montgomery. The company's goals for the collaboration are to strengthen its legal competence within the area and to grow its presence internationally.

Because ENV's key markets are in Southeast Asia and Latin America, with a particular emphasis on clients running gambling websites in India and Brazil, the significance of this relationship for the firm may be partially explained by the geographic location of these markets.

Gaming, betting, and draws are the primary areas of focus of the Brazilian legal company Montgomery, which provides Lean Full Service (LFS) representation.

 The Chief Executive Officer of ENV, Mattias Bergehed, emphasised the significance of this business arrangement by stating, "The collaboration seeks to utilise Montgomery's deep-rooted knowledge of Brazilian law in projects that involve creating website material covering the legal landscape of online gambling in Brazil, articles, research, and case studies."

The Managing Partner at Montgomery, Neil Montgomery, commented: "We are pleased to team up with ENV Media to share our knowledge and expertise on the Brazilian legal framework for gaming and betting, especially now that Brazil is in the spotlight due to the attempts to legalise and regulate different gaming verticals."

This is a continuation of ENV's partnership with the Indian research firm Ken Research, which began in the middle of July and consisted of conducting surveys and case studies in order to examine the gambling habit of Indians.

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